In transport configuration, Boaxt has the dimensions of a standard ISO 20' or 40' high cube container with a total weight
of less than 4 tons for a 20', and less than 7 tons for a 40'.
Boaxt 20’ dimensions in transport configuration: L : 5 966 mm l : 2 430 mm H : 2 890 mm
Boaxt 40’ dimensions in transport configuration: L : 12190 mm l : 2 430 mm H : 2 890 mm
What are the deployed area afloat and the payload of a Boaxt?
Boaxt mobility in transport configuration is ensured by all multimodal means.
It can be handled by forklifts, cranes or stackers and transported by rail, road, air or sea.
In its standard configuration, the Boaxt is not propelled. However, it can be done very easily in the following ways:
The installation of a vertical chair on the end of one of the doors tilted horizontally and which forms the bridge makes it possible to receive a 7.5 kilowatt outboard motor, which can be electric or gasoline, with a long shaft and a tiller. Attaching the motor only takes a few minutes. All that remains is to position a nurse or batteries to power it. The Boaxt thus becomes self-propelled. Thus, it can for example be maneuvered to be positioned alongside the other Boaxts, in order to proceed with their stowage to each other according to the needs of the required surface.
The replacement, which can be done at any time, of the 2 front removable floats and the two 2 rear removable floats by special elements, makes it possible to transform the Boaxt in its standard configuration into a barge self-propelled multi-purpose inboard engine. Thus, the 2 forward floats, whose spans are straight, will be replaced by 2 floats with an inclined bow. The 2 rear floats will be replaced by 2 other floats in which 2 small hydro-jet electric motors with a total power of 7.5 kilowatts controlled by a joy stick will be installed.
Thus configured, the Boaxt becomes entirely autonomous and self-propelled. It can navigate on sheltered bodies of water, sea and river, at a speed of 6 to 7 knots with a run time of 5 to 10 hours and a maximum range of about 100 km. It should be noted that, insofar as the total propulsion power installed is less than or equal to 7.5 kilowatts, or approximately 9.9 horsepower, no permit is necessary.
How is a Boaxt manufactured?
The manufacturing process uses laser cutting technology for all the parts, followed by a high-precision semi-automatic welding process.
What materials are used in the construction of a Boaxt?
Boaxt is made from grade A (5386 - naval quality) aluminum sheets and profiles. The moving parts and fittings are made of stainless steel (316L).
The greatest care is taken in the choice of materials as they guarantee your Boaxt durability.
What is the homologation process of a Boaxt?
The Boaxt specifications comply with the 240 - 12217-1 division for river-sea use. It also meets all the applicable standards for freeboard and stability,
given its use, particularly for receiving public.
What is the lifespan of a Boaxt?
As Boaxt has been designed with high safety coefficients using high quality and rustproof materials, the life span of a Boaxt
can be considered as unlimited, provided it is used in accordance with what it was designed for.
Where is the Boaxt manufactured?
The manufacturing process and the laser cutting are carried out by an experienced and skillful subcontractor of the nuclear industry.
The mechanical welding and the assembly are done by a shipyard created in 1963, specialized in aluminum welding. Boaxt is a French product.
How to rent a Boaxt?
An organization dedicated to Boaxts, logistical and rental management, allowing clients to use them wherever and for as long as they wish,
is currently being set up It is to this organization that all rental requests should be addressed.